Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Just sitting here now waiting on a couple of members of Gabriels support team to arrive, hehe, how cool is that, he has a support team, and debating on some breakfast. How shall I have my eggs this morning, leaning towards poached.

Its a funny thing, eggs, they used to be sinful and almost deadly, now, well, they are just about perfect. In my opinion anyway. Little flavor bombs at 72 cals a pop and a nice dose of protien, can it get any better? I think not!

Thinking of a bike, not the motorized version, got that, but a peddle bike. At many levels it scares me, which means I should probaly get it lol...

More on that later....

Gotta scoot... coffee and eggs beckon!

Monday, June 29, 2009

12 things

heh.... was looking at the 12 things I would like to do there in on the left hand side.

Looking at that list now many of the goals remain the same, I have accomplished number 9, of course, but have partials on a couple. The one I thought I would share is number 5.

Here are some pics...

I am actually getting some more work done HOPEFULLY this week... pleased with it so far though!!

So lets work on the other items now shall we??

Sheepishly back


I thought to log back on here and see that its been a few months since my last post only to discover that it was October when I last had something to say here. Pathetic.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I completely fell off the wagon, though I kinda did. I haven't made any strides in weight loss. I haven't joined the gym. I haven't really been watching what I was eating. In short, I really wasn't taking care of myself. Many reasons, laziness being the top. However I have had some work related stress issues, a lot of business surrounding my oldest son. He was just diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers to be exact. We have been completely focused on him and getting all the things in place for him to live his life to the fullest. I just let my own life kinda cruise on without really thinking about much of anything other than my family.

The time is now to get back at it though...

I have been doing good the past week, walking every single day, all conditions. Watching my meals, just generally getting back into the swing. I resisted the urge to post here again though until I knew, 100%, that I was back in the game. Now I know. I still won't be joining a gym. Frankly I can't afford the fee's as well as the fact that the gym is over 30+ minutes away, there are other things that need to be done first. I will continue to eat on a program, I will continue to log my meals in Fitday starting today, I will walk each and every day, no excuses.

One good thing, my blood pressure is under control.

Another good thing, I quit smoking in January for the final time. No urges, no anything. I am DONE with that particular addiction and am so much better for it.

So, if you are following me, I am sorry it took so long to get back at it. Glad to speak to you all again!

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