Well so far so good, have completely revamped my diet. H2O intake is right up where it was, about 2-3 liters a day, maybe a little more. No simple sugars, no saturated fats, no processed foods. Portions are controlled and meals will be about 4-5 a day now. It's funny, it's almost like riding a bike. You really never forget. Some things have been, not difficult, just a little different. Every Tuesday at the office we would all get twoonie Tuesdays from KFC. This past Tuesday was the first one in a long time I didn't take part in. I didn't miss it mentally, though I have to admit, the smell was certainly tempting.
Exercise has just been via cardio right now. Walking, it was the very best for me last time in aiding the initial kickstart and weight loss. It should be again. Long term the plan is to return to weight training as before. That particular aspect will be a little more difficult for me than last time for several reasons. It's much harder to find the time now with the two kids around lol, also, we live 25 minutes outside the city now and the nearest gym. Lastly, money, there's a little less of it for disposal these days. Though really, just the money I will save on takeout should cancel out that obstacle.
So, the initial steps have been made, the baby steps I often spoke about in the past. It didn't take overnight to get to where I am now, it won't reverse itself overnight either. It will happen though, I have more motivation now then I ever had in the past. In the past I lost the weight through a sense of vanity. I was sick of being lonely and felt that I would have much more success in my personal life if I lost the weight. Ironically I ended up marrying a woman who knew me when I was at my biggest and thought I was sexy then. Funny how life does that isn't it? This time though, its about my health and my ability to be on this earth longterm for my wife and kids. Its about the ability to play with my kids and not get winded or feel uncomfortable in the process, and, yes, still a little bit of vanity lol. I have my soul mate now, and I cannot fathom seeing a future without her in it. However, she is such a beautiful sexy and amazing woman, I want the man on her arm to be a compliment to that, not a distraction. She deserves a man who is in the best shape he can be in and deserves a man who is going to be around for a long long time...
I'm pretty happy to be back blogging, I missed it more than I knew...
Say Hey
10 years ago
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