Monday, September 1, 2008

Well under way...

I feel great... really... it might be a little early to be doing cartwheels or mothballing my current wardrobe but I feel GREAT!!

I was thinking about timing and how interesting it is. The last time I began a weight loss journey it was due to a scare on my birthday, this time, it began with a scare on my birthday. I think someone is trying to tell me something lol...

I don't really have much to say right now, just waiting to get the kiddos to bed and heading out for my nightly walk. I will likely be back a little later with some more. I just wanted to make a statement about how damn good I feel, both with how I am progressing and the relief that I have that the journey is finally finally back underway!!

1 comment:

Shane Leighton Photography said...

Glad you are feeling good and building momentum buddy. Keep it up!



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