Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Was on a wee vacation and am only now settling back into the groove.

Vac-cay was good, but short. Had a tooth issue return and kick me in the head for a couple of days, ended up missing an event due to it, but whatcha gonna do??

I actually DROPPED 3lbs while gone though, so yeah. yay me!!

You may have noticed an ugly mug there? That me of course at my happy smiling best, made better by a marked lack of jowls lol... Taken at the meet and great of my High School Reunion where I might add, I was dismayed to see no one got fat and ugly dammit!

Anyhoo... not much right now. A check in at most, will be back later with gory details on drugs, teeth, skin, tattoos, weightloss, kids, money, weights, wood stoves, dead batteries and lunatic cats....

Later taters!

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