Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Was on a wee vacation and am only now settling back into the groove.

Vac-cay was good, but short. Had a tooth issue return and kick me in the head for a couple of days, ended up missing an event due to it, but whatcha gonna do??

I actually DROPPED 3lbs while gone though, so yeah. yay me!!

You may have noticed an ugly mug there? That me of course at my happy smiling best, made better by a marked lack of jowls lol... Taken at the meet and great of my High School Reunion where I might add, I was dismayed to see no one got fat and ugly dammit!

Anyhoo... not much right now. A check in at most, will be back later with gory details on drugs, teeth, skin, tattoos, weightloss, kids, money, weights, wood stoves, dead batteries and lunatic cats....

Later taters!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The whole sad tooth lol


So, here's the deal... the tooth that was pulled was fine, needed to be pulled and I'm glad its gone. The problem however is this, the tooth that was pulled was NOT the whole issue. There was, or is, an infection in another tooth. It drove me mad with pain and of course there was no prescription for antibiotics when I had the original extraction. So I had to get a new scrip and wait for it to work.

Bottom line? 3 more sleepless nights....

There's no end I swear.

However, today I feel great, no pain at all and just waiting to finish out this course of Antibiotics and it off for a root canal... FUN I tell you.... FUN!!

Scale still dropping though...

Here we go, awful truth time...

I had snuck back up over 300 lbs.

Crazy.... like an addict I kept putting it back on and denying it.... but there you go.

Anyhooooo..... I was at 314 lbs this time around.... 314lbs... crazy number huh?

I got the fright and jumped back on the program again. My wife is my whip in this, my kids are the carrot.

That 314 was on July 1st, now, July 20th, not three weeks later, I am at 290. That's 24lbs in three weeks for the weak in math among us. Not bad, about what I would expect to be honest. It'll slow down some now.

Looking at setting a gym up in my shed. I just have this romantic image in my mind of going out there in Mid-Jan, getting the wood stove lit and stoked and working out while it's -15 outside and the snow is howling. Kinda like Rocky in Russia lol...

Also thinking about a bike... Gabe is learning now, it would be nice to be able to bike ride with him.

Thats about it for now...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Down but not out

So, I went to bed last Thursday with a slight discomfort in my jaw, nothing serious, almost as if I had bitten something hard and caused the tooth to throb a little. A couple of Advil and bam, pain gone, problem solved.

Not so much.

Friday was ok, had a wedding Friday and on the way back from it I started to get that throbbing again. Oh oh... got home took some pills and it went away. That night the real fun started. A throbbing nearly constant pain, alleviated somewhat by meds, but not totally. Water swishing in the mouth seemed to help best, but try doing that in bed. I almost drowned several times falling asleep with water in my mouth. Sleep was sporadic at best, a half hour here and there with no prolonged periods. I was convinced that I was dealing with an infection. Tried to treat it myself as best I could, since I couldn't see a dentist till Monday, using anti-biotics on hand etc. Nothing really helped for any amount of time. I was miserable, like gun to the head miserable.

Needless to say I didn't get any walking in. Nor did I get much eating in either.

Finally got to the dentist on Monday, figured an exam with some prescription for antibiotics and perhaps ( YAY ) painkillers. Nope....

Dentist entered the room, pulled up my x-rays on the puter screen pointed at the offending tooth and said " See that shadowy mass on the root? That's the bane of your existence and the tooth has to come out now."

Shiver.... an abscessed tooth.... HEAVILY abscessed tooth.... and he was going to pull it then and there...


He did promise me a couple of things before he started though...

1- It would be a difficult extraction.... joy...
2- It would likely take a while
3- It wouldn't hurt, he was going to make sure it was well deadened
4- I would sleep that night

He delivered on all!

1- Difficult yes, the tooth exploded when he put the clamp on there. You have to know, this tooth, it looked flawless from the outside, there was NO indication visually that there was anything wrong with it, but there it was, dead on the inside, abscessed at the root. So, crown gone, nothing to hold on to to extract. Drilling holes into the exposed area to get a grip to loosen, tooth kept breaking. Finally had to cut the gum, drill into root and rock back and forth until loosened , then he cranked the chair up, stood up, braced feet and pulled and pulled and pulled until finally pop, the remains were extracted. He laughed, I love my dentist by the way, and said, " Man, there's NO way anyone would knock your teeth out that's for sure!!" Three stitches and done

2- See above

3- He was bang on, with the exception of the pressure exerted and having all those instruments etc. crammed into my jaws, there was no pain at all, I was thrilled.

4- I slept for almost 12 hours straight.... sigh.... it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice.

As I was leaving he made me another promise. I wouldn't have a lot of pain from the procedure and shouldn't require any prescription pain killers, BUT, I would know he had gone to work on my jaw.

Again, he kept that promise.

Woke up this morning feeling as though I was kicked in the side of my jaw, but NO pain at all from the socket.

Now that's behind me, I can't wait to get out for my first walk in a while tonight.

Scale shows MAJOR downward trends.... that's always nice!

More to come on that front!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Its a battle of inches...

.... in more ways than one.

This thing, this battle... melodramatic as battle may seem... its one thats won in the trenchs. A war of artition, a battle on inches.

I am seeing changes. Small, but there. Dee, god bless her, says she can feel it. I'll take her word for it. I do know that its getting easier. The eating is simple at this point, nothing drastic, no calorie counting, no plans or miracle fads. It's simply this, eat less, drink more water, do NOT pull into a drivethrough EVER. Eat simply, eat close to the ground, off the vine, from the sea, avoid cans at all costs.

The exercise plan is also a very simple one.

Walk, walk every day, park a little further from doors, take steps when steps are offered. Walk to the store, the post office, etc. Play like a 5 year old. Run and jump in the yard, throw a ball, laugh and giggle and tumble.

Things are changing, the outside and the inside.

Exciting to be so simple in my plan, satisfying to know that the simplicity is working.

Some have asked, pictures will be forthcoming.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

When babies attack

Just a really short little thing.

Didn't get out for my walking last night, was all ready to go for it when my wife literally passed out from exhaustion and my 18 month was absolutely wired for sound. She went on to bed before she hit the floor and I stayed with Damian to try and get him to go to sleep..... an hour and a half later he was groggy enough to put to bed. Unfortunately it was too late for me to get out at that point, I would have passed out at the halfway point lol.

Food has still been good, portions are controlled, never any seconds and no eating between meals.

Water intake has been perfect as well.

Be back with more later!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Keeping the belly full and the mind occupied

Well, it never ceases to surprise me. How easy it is to eat WAY too many calories eating the wrong foods, how hard it is to get enough calories when eating the right. Amazing. Fill your gut with greens, veggies, fruits and unprocessed meats and it takes alot to get the calories in that your body burns. Right now, not including walking, my frame should be burning around 3500 calories to just get from point a to point b in the run of 24 hours. A larger frame, or a fatter butt, pick one may it suit yea, needs extra just to go about its business. Right now I am struggling to get 2k of quality calories into me. Now you may say, that's the point ain't it? Well no, the point is to lose weight slowly, to maintain an energy level, to not become sluggish, lethargic or disillusioned, that's the point.

So, what to do? Well, the simple solution is a protein powder supplement to get those extra calories. That's the easy way, but not the way I would prefer. The other option is an extra meal, which would likely be the route I take. It makes more sense to me. You keep the body digesting throughout the day and you get that metabolic burn increase that is what we want.

I have a little junk yesterday, not enough to screw my calories or suddenly make me blow up like Mrs. Puff, but not the kind of healthy, close to vine, just out of the ground, not far removed from grazing kind of food intake I want. That being said, those three Canada Day BBQed hot dogs were AWESOME...lol, there's something about singed and charred processed meat on a fluffy processed bun that is just sooooooo good ;)

Well off to work with me. Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Keeping on keeping on

Been 10 days into this now and no slippages at all.

The transformation is in its infancy, so there not really much that can go wrong right now. Any deduction and reduction is going to come rather easily and it's easy to stay confident and positive at this point. This is where my previous experience can be a killer. In the back of my mind there is a chorus of idiots called memories who are clammoring about my past failures, and my biggest failure of letting the miracle I lived slip and revert back to the fat man. The hardest part at this point is to get those idiots to shut up.

There is a plan though.

In the coming days I will do my best to map out a course for the next X number of weeks here. The one thing I can promise right now is that the person who types on this blog in week X will be a vastly different animal than the one who types here now.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Just sitting here now waiting on a couple of members of Gabriels support team to arrive, hehe, how cool is that, he has a support team, and debating on some breakfast. How shall I have my eggs this morning, leaning towards poached.

Its a funny thing, eggs, they used to be sinful and almost deadly, now, well, they are just about perfect. In my opinion anyway. Little flavor bombs at 72 cals a pop and a nice dose of protien, can it get any better? I think not!

Thinking of a bike, not the motorized version, got that, but a peddle bike. At many levels it scares me, which means I should probaly get it lol...

More on that later....

Gotta scoot... coffee and eggs beckon!

Monday, June 29, 2009

12 things

heh.... was looking at the 12 things I would like to do there in on the left hand side.

Looking at that list now many of the goals remain the same, I have accomplished number 9, of course, but have partials on a couple. The one I thought I would share is number 5.

Here are some pics...

I am actually getting some more work done HOPEFULLY this week... pleased with it so far though!!

So lets work on the other items now shall we??

Sheepishly back


I thought to log back on here and see that its been a few months since my last post only to discover that it was October when I last had something to say here. Pathetic.

I wouldn't go so far as to say I completely fell off the wagon, though I kinda did. I haven't made any strides in weight loss. I haven't joined the gym. I haven't really been watching what I was eating. In short, I really wasn't taking care of myself. Many reasons, laziness being the top. However I have had some work related stress issues, a lot of business surrounding my oldest son. He was just diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Aspergers to be exact. We have been completely focused on him and getting all the things in place for him to live his life to the fullest. I just let my own life kinda cruise on without really thinking about much of anything other than my family.

The time is now to get back at it though...

I have been doing good the past week, walking every single day, all conditions. Watching my meals, just generally getting back into the swing. I resisted the urge to post here again though until I knew, 100%, that I was back in the game. Now I know. I still won't be joining a gym. Frankly I can't afford the fee's as well as the fact that the gym is over 30+ minutes away, there are other things that need to be done first. I will continue to eat on a program, I will continue to log my meals in Fitday starting today, I will walk each and every day, no excuses.

One good thing, my blood pressure is under control.

Another good thing, I quit smoking in January for the final time. No urges, no anything. I am DONE with that particular addiction and am so much better for it.

So, if you are following me, I am sorry it took so long to get back at it. Glad to speak to you all again!

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