Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Foiled again.....

Just back from the Doc's....

Well, another medication on top of my current one. The BP has greatly improved, but he was still a little concerned about my diastolic number. Its peaked a couple of times over 110 in the past week and we really need to get that number down as well. he was very happy with my systolic pressure, it's pretty much right where we need it to be. So, it a ACE inhibitor for me for the next month at least. End result? No gym... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... getting very very frustrated about that actually, I'm not going to lie. Oh well, again folks, keep your fingers crossed for the next visit in 2 weeks. He said that if everything is in line then, well, he wouldn't commit, but he said it would be very likely. I need to get in there...

Sorry no Monday Mass Day yesterday, the day came and went without me even thinking of it..lol... I am down to 289 on the Docs scales though. More like 291 on my scales. I am sure that the Doc's is more accurate, but since my scales are the ones I started on, they are the ones I will continue to use as my guide.

So here's the current tally...

August 25th Start weight ??? - we figure anywhere from 310-320
Sept 8th - 301 lbs
Sept 15th - 297 lbs
Sept 22nd - 296 lbs
Sept 30th - 291 lbs - change of -5 lbs, 90 to goal

Total loss - 310-320 - 291 = 19-29 lbs

Not bad, not bad at all...

Here's a record of my Blood Pressure following the D-day reading of 210/111

Sept 24th -
10:20 am - 120/94
3:05 pm - 119/100
9:45 pm - 128/101

Sept 25th -
9:40 am - 130/102
11:18 pm - 128/84

Sept 26th -
9:30 am - 127/84
2:30 pm - 132/91
9:30 pm - 122/89

Sept 27th
10:00 am - 126/86
3:30 pm - 132/90
1:30 am - 129/101

Sept 28th
10:00 am 132/100
4:00 pm 129/97
11:00 pm - 135/101

Sept 29th
9:30 am - 123/91
11:45 pm - 126/94

As you can see, it is dropping and leveling out. Though there are some flucuations in there. It's interesting to me to note that my BP seems to be higher on the weekends. lol... Gabe .... that's all I am saying is Gabe...

Sorry for the ABSOLUTE lack of pictures, there is NO excuse. I will endeavor to get some posted very very soon.

That's about it for now, back to the grind with me!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday and beautiful

Sorry for the lack of posts the last couple of days, been crazy busy with the kiddos and a wedding yesterday.

Just a quickie today, going to be going out exploring with the family in a bit. Just wanted to say that my BP still seems to be ok, meals are good, though I ate stuff not on my menu at the wedding last night, portions were small so it should be ok. I'm just calling it a free day anyway, just a very controlled free day... no booze, no sugars, just a bunch of meatballs and pasta lol...

I'll be back later with a little more!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Well well....

So, curiosity they say killed the cat, I also adhere the second part of that timeless saying, satisfaction brought him back. I say hey, whats the point of having nine lives if you can't burn through 2-3 of them getting answers?? Hmmm?

In this case, the question was, have I lost weight, cause I sure as hell FEEL like I've lost more. Easily answered, a jump on the scales. Out of character for me, I'm pretty much a once a week kinda guy, but flexibility is my middle name. Actually, Raymond is my middle name but meh, whatcha gonna do?

I digress...

SO, on the scales and badda-bing badda-BOOM, 291 lbs... 291!!!

I really thought LONG gone was my days about getting excited about being over 290 lbs but man o man I am PSYCHED!!!!

It's working, the plan is working, and all this without a day in the gym yet... oh I can feel it, I said I can feel it... can I get me a hallelujah??? I said can I get me a hallelujah??? AMEN Brothers and sisters, aaaaaaaaamen!

In addition to that, I visited my tickle trunk, hey, good enough for Mr. Dressup, good enough for me, and started going through the layers of cloths that have fallen to the side and was hurried away out of sight. Happy to report that I am now in the top strata and fitting into things I couldn't a month ago. Excited to keep mining through the layers as the weight drops, who knows what goodies I might find!

Pics tonight, I promise, would have been sooner but the batteries were dead... damn power sources!!!

YAY progress!!!

In the news today lol

A quickie to update yesterdays BP readings...

10:30 am Sept 24th - 120/94
3:05 pm Sept 24th - 119/100
9:45 pm Sept 24th - 128/101

Much better, though I do have a high diastolic number....

Progress.... progress is good!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good news...

Took my BP this morning and surprise surprise, it was a much healthier 120/94. Looks like the pills are going to do the job, at least, the early optimistic prognosis is that!

I need to have the BP under control for 2 weeks before I am allowed in the gym. So lets hope that I can do that!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The deal


Went to the Doc's this morning as I mentioned. Was feeling pretty good about it. Was feeling even better when I walked into his office and looked at me with raised eyebrows and said " Hey you are really losing weight huh?".

We chatted about that and how that was going for a while, and then the time came for the BP check.


Let me say that again


First reaction was fear. A kind of deep in the stomach primal fear. I think I tapped into something ancient in my psyche. I imagine that this is what our barely erect fore-fathers felt when they were faced with a true fight or flight scenario. That feeling quickly turned to bewilderment. I mean, I was doing it wasn't I? I was losing the weight, getting the exercise, sticking to the low fat low sodium diet, drinking my water? All the things I was supposed to do to correct the BP. I mean I certainly didn't expect to go from elevated to normal in the space of a month, but goddammit I certainly expected to be moving in that direction, NOT the other way. The doc was equally not impressed, though I think he wasn't as bewildered as I was.

So, where from there? Well, meds, I am on 25 mgs once daily of NOVO-HYDRAZIDE. I won't go into all the possible side affects here, google it if you are interested. However, I did have to leave work early today because I was starting to feel a little disjointed. I'm not tooooo bad right now, obviously, I mean I am typing and making sense, well, as much as I eve have anyway. I do have a long drive home though, so I figured I wouldn't take any risks at all and not be able to drive later.

No gym, sadly, that really hurts more than I thought it would. I'm ready for it, I am actually burning for it, but it's just not a risk I can take. Can you imagine doing a squat or a leg press with a BP of 210/111?? Mt. Etna mean anything to any of you?

No strenuous activity for a while, just walking at a moderate pace. It's not much, but it will have to do the job for now.

I also now have a home BP monitor. I have to take my BP thrice daily and in a week I go back to the docs and we review the numbers. If it isn't down, then there will be yet another medication on top of the current one, the same applies in 2 weeks.

SO, I know I have been asked several times what caused this. The short answer is the ugly one, I am a fat lethargic 38 year old who wasn't taking care of business the way it should have been attended to. I commit ed a crime against my body and my family and I have been sentenced to this. There are some genetics in play, but the long and short of it is that it is 100% my fault. Not going to whine or bemoan it, I AM going to fix it.

As of today there will be another addition to my daily blogs, my BP readings. I take my last one at bedtime, so I will post a short blog each night with the 3 BP readings from that day. This is another tool of accountability, but it will also hopefully show a dropping number and serve as a warning, and a kick in the ass, to the large percentage of the male middle ago population out there who like me, are fat, lethargic and marching blissfully towards a very early grave.

Wake up folks, wake up before you don't wake up anymore....

Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Mass Day 3

Quickie, on my way to work, be back later with pics to post.

Modest weight loss for this week, well, that's what the scales said anyway. Down about a pound, maybe a pound and a half.


August 25th Start weight ??? - we figure anywhere from 310-320
Sept 8th - 301 lbs
Sept 15th - 297 lbs
Sept 22nd - 296 lbs - change of -1 lbs, 95 to goal

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday stuff

Not much to blog about today, but figured I would make an appearance.

Yesterday was kind of a blahish type day. No, I shouldn't say that, it was a great day actually. Dee had a bridal shower and myself and the two wee fellas spent the afternoon cruising around. It was a blahish type day from a meal persepctive. As I mentioned, Dee had this bridal shower. She ended up bringing home a bunch of leftover sandwichs and cookies and cake. I stayed away from the cookies and cake, but did end up eating around 2 sandwichs. For whatever reason, I thought I would end up well over my caloric intake.... complete opposite actually... which ticks me off even more.

Oh well...

Hey guess what? Tuesday I go to the Doc, and will either be ok with the BP or not, and on meds, either way, this is the week I should be able to start at the gym...


Friday, September 19, 2008

Other blogs and more bric-brac

You know, I love blogging, One of the things I like about blogging is interacting with the people who not only read MY blog, but actively going out there and finding other blogs that are on the same topic as mine. One thing that has really saddened me, as well as reminding me of my own lapse, it the number of blogs that just end. Usually these blogs have one last entry that talks about slipping, or going off plan, with promises made to get back on track, and then nothing. Some of them have ended a month or so ago, some a year or more. It makes me wonder where these people are now, what their story is, if they are continuing their own personal journeys or if the wheels just fell off all together. I even wrote a couple of them, asking those very questions and sadly, no responses.

If you are one of those people, if by chance you followed the e-mail link back to this blog. I want you to know that all is not lost, you can start up again, a lapse can be just that, a lapse and you CAN get it back on course. If you want, I can help, and you can help me. Obesity and food addiction are serious illnesses, and it can make the effort to overcome them easier if you have a large support group there to prop you up.

Now, in my travels through the WWW looking for weight loss blogs I stumbled upon a blog that frankly made me very very angry, a little sad, a little disgusted, a little perplexed and a bunch of other emotions all at once. I don't have the link to the blog, but I can find it again, if you want it let me know. I don't want to post the link here because I don't want to be a source of more visitors for this blog. The blog is basically just pictures. Pictures of people, mostly women, suffering from Anorexia. Now, the pictures themselves are powerful, in a punch in the stomach kinda way, and really, everyone should look at pictures like these. They serve as a strong visual reminding us of the horrible wasting this terrible affliction can inflect on a body. I want to make one thing absolutely clear. I am NOT disgusted or angry or anything other than sympathetic towards the people who have this affliction. I have a person in my life who suffered from anorexia. They are on the mend thank you very much for asking and I couldn't be prouder of them. No, my chagrin is targeted squarely on the shoulders of the people out there who ENCOURAGE people with this disease to loss ever MORE weight.

Honestly, comments on the pictures of these wasted bodies, bones protruding, skin tight, just haunted looking women, comments saying beautiful, or sexy or amazing and even more stunning, comments saying that they would be perfect with just a little more weight gone, another 5 lbs and they would be perfect, another 10 lbs and they would be a goddess. You ignorant, thoughtless, enabling, PRICKS.... it's like opening a bar tab for an alcoholic and then driving them to the bar, come on people, get a friggin' clue!! Unreal... just unreal...

Makes me sick...


Shifting gears. Dee and I watched a great show last night. It was on W channel on Rogers, but is a Channel 4 creation. Channel 4 is the British channel that launched Gordon Ramsey's TV career.... its called Super Size vs. Super Skinny, the basic premise is simple, you take a morbidly obese person, and team them up with a very very skinny person and have them live the others life for a period of time. Diets, exercise, everything. It was pretty interesting and entertaining to watch. What I found most interesting, at least in the episode I watched last night, was that the skinny person had a MUCH harder time adjusting than the Super Sized person. At the end both took some valuable lessons out of the exercise, and I am happy to report that they both are living a healthier life now. Brit shows are always so much better than US shows... but that's a whole other blog for a whole other time.

On the progress front. Dee and Gabe had Mary Browns tonight for supper, for those of you who don't know, that's like KFC, only better. The smell damn near killed me. I am happy to report however that I made it through and I just grilled a couple of chicken breasts for myself. They were awesome as well, though without the yummy coating and oh so delicious grease.... lol...

Hopefully gym next week, really am chomping at the bit now.... bring it on!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Shrink you say? Why yes, don't mind if I do....


So, I have like 3 pairs of jeans. One pair was a tad big on me, yes I know, the shock and awe of a pair of jeans to big for my ample girth, who woulda thunk it! Anyhoooo... one pair was a bit big ( stop snickering ) the other two pairs were a tad tight ( again, stop with the snickering ). I got up this morning, grabbed a shower and got dressed, put my jeans on and went about my way. I started having to hitch them up over my derrier in short order. I figured oh well, gonna have to retire the tad too big jeans soon I guess.. I hate saying good bye to old jeans, well, hate it and love it in a way...progress baby yeaaaaah... BUT I then realized that the jeans I was wearing were NOT the tad too big ones, but rather, a pair of the tad too SMALL ones!!


I love that the weight is coming off, one of the more rewarding things about losing weight is the excuse to buy new clothes. Value Village here I come. I had a look through some of my older clothes as well. I kept a bunch of stuff as I expanded, but I got rid of a lot of it as well. I should be ok for the next 50 lbs or so, but after that I have nothing. Actually, now that I think on it, I may be in the market for some new undies pretty soon though... not that the ones I have on shouldn't fit, its just that the waists are stretched and I don't see them contracting anytime soon. Folks, let me just state here what we all know but seldom say, there is NOTHING on this earth that sucks worse than your undies sliding down over your ass while you are walking, I mean, how do you fix them without looking like your scratching your butt???

Just a little overall update. I don't feel this time like the weight is coming off as fast as last time. That might have something to do with my age, it might have something to do with the fact that I shocked my body the first time around, and it's prepared for it this time ( I have a mental picture of all my fat cells digging into foxholes with little helmets on and bayonets at the ready ), it might not be anything, it might be coming off just as fast, I wish I had weighed myself from the start so I would know if I had the HUGE losses in the first couple of weeks I had the first time around ( I dropped 11 lbs in week one first time, it was a shock ). Either way, I just KNOW I HAVE to get back into that gym ASAP. I don't want what happened first time around to happen this time, were I become this sickly skinny thing first at 180 lbs and had to get back up to the hunky pile of man flesh I was prior to just becoming a pile of chunky man flesh. I think if I start lifting sooner rather than later the transition will be more fluid. Last time it was almost like I had to mutate once, and then undergo a secondary mutation later.

Either way, meals are fine, I could actually be walking more, its proving to be a little more difficult to get the walks in this time around, wife, a 5 year old and a 8 month old constricts my time somewhat. I don't begrudge them that, hell no, the best part of my day is going home and seeing Damian flap his arms with glee at seeing me and having Gabe run out and damn near knock my legs out from under me hugging me and saying he missed me. It does make it harder to just get up and go though. Regardless, I am getting enough walking in, I just want to get MORE in is all... perhaps I will have to start getting up an hour earlier and just going...hmmm... bah, who needs sleep anyway!!

Holy long post Batman... bored yet???

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Zone

Cruise control is great ain't it... just a few weeks in and the old habits, by old I mean pre-inflation old, are just kicking in big time. Water, what was the hardest for me to get going last time, is not a problem this time, drinking TONS of it. Meals are falling into place, cravings are under control, appetite is strong but subdued, exercise is getting done. All is going amazingly well and I couldn't be happier.

Well... yes I could be happier...

I COULD be in the friggin' gym. I am chomping at the bit here to get back in there. I find myself curling my grocery bags, or doing lifts with Damian...lol... I really want to get back in there. The clank of steel, the smell or old iron and sweat, the feeling of exhaustion and euphoria at the same time. I miss it, I want it and I think, no, I know, I need it!

I am skirting around the zone now, I can see it, I drift into it, but I can't get fully in there until I get into the gym. Then I will feel like this journey is really and truly underway once again.

Hopefully Monday the Doc will give me the ok to get back in there. If he does I can promise you that I will be in there Tuesday morning and the real work will begin in earnest. I for one, can't wait!

Monday, September 15, 2008


Lets face facts for a second shale we? Human beings, as a rule, are selfish creatures who generally want to know whats in it for them. I am no different. One would think that the reward of my improving health, smaller waist, broadening clothing options etc. etc. would be enough. Alas, I am a greedy SOB and dammit I want all that and more!!

I have stated to Dee that as a reward for losing 100 lbs I would get the sleeve tattoo that I have wanted for a long time now. Problem with that is that those things cost big money, and folks, with an oil tank that needs filling, car payments, mortgage, 2 kids yada yada, big money is not something I have.

So, the solution? Well, damned if I know...lol...

I had thought that perhaps I would pay myself 3-4 bucks a pound, but that won't garner much really, also, money pooled seems to become money needed after too long. I could insert google adsense on here and try to make a few extra bucks, but I gotta tell you, the kind of traffic I would need to generate any sort of significant revenue, well, I just ain't gonna get it you know? I hate ads on personal sites anyway, just seems intrusive and really not needed.

I guess I could contact like Miami Ink and ask them if they would foot the bill for an impressive 100 lbs weight loss...lol... but I don't think that would work either.

So, any ideas? Anything, no matter how wacky might actually be the idea that works for me!

That being said and my personal needs being addressed, ;) , a little something on rewards. They work. We all know that its a great feeling to see progress, and it's a wonderful thing to witness, BUT, it can be slow week to week, and the process can become repetitive and tedious after some time. I always like to set some reward at certain targets. It could be as simple as allowing myself a full day of doing nothing but escaping into Warcraft, it could be as extravegant as a tattoo as I mentioned above. Bottom line, it gives me something to look forward to BEYOND the weight loss rewards. It broadens the focus and expands the process so that your whole life dosn't become just another detail in the weight loss program. It's very very easy to become obsessed and lose sight of the fact that your life is still progressing, that other people in your life, while applauding your journey, aren't a passenger on the same train as you.

Focus is important, but so is perspective... and I find little rewards to be a great aid to that end.

Monday Mass Day 2 ( the lite version )

So I have made a decision of sorts, I will be weighing every Monday, BUT, I will be doing pics and measurements every SECOND Monday. The reason behind this thinking is pretty straight forward, I want to see more change between pics. The weight tracking in fine, and it's a good tool to show progress, but I want the pics to mean major steps, or major shifts. It might not be a good idea, I don't know, perhaps weekly will be better, but for now we'll leave it as every two. As with all things, this policy is subject to change and the absolute whim of me...lol...

Now, weight, as indicated earlier in the week I cheated and weighed in. My weight then, on Friday I think it was, was 297, this morning it was also right around 297. Might have been a smidge over or under, but we'll call it 297 to be a nice round easy to work with number.

So, as an added feature of Monday Mass day, I will be charting the progress here...

August 25th Start weight ??? - we figure anywhere from 310-320
Sept 8th - 301 lbs
Sept 15th - 297 lbs - change of -4lbs, 96 to goal

Baby steps baby, it's all about the baby steps.

A quick word about my goal. Yes, I know I want to lose at least 100 lbs. However, that goal weight can and will change as I start in the gym and start adding the muscle mass. When I was at my best prior to the crime against myself and the subsequent 100lb plus weight gain, I was most comfortable at about 195. We'll see what transpires...

Anyhoo... off to get ready for work and a pre-work walk around the pond....

Thanks for your support folks!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday update

What a BEAUTIFUL day with the family, other than a wee meltdown by Gabe when it came time to leave the playground.

I also had my first "free" meal today, though really it wasn't far off plan. We ate at Cora's, they offer about 50 different breakfast item. I had a spinach and cheddar omelet, Dee had a fresh fruit and custard filled crepe. We each shared the other, so really I had about 60-70% of the omelet, and about 30% of the crepe. There were also some very nice oven roasted potatoes on the plate as well. Also had 2 slices of multi grain with the meal. Not sure what the final calorie count was, I'll figure it out approximately on Fitday soon, but as a free meal goes, it's a damn sight better than McDonald's or a pizza...

Here's a couple of pics of the boys... They are amazing the both of them, and when I see pics of them it serves to remind me of WHY I am doing this, I need to be around for them for a long long long time....

Sunday Suuuuuuuuuunday.........

What a BEAUTIFUL Sunday here in Newfoundland!

Just getting ready for another day out with the family. The best part about what I am doing this time around as opposed to the first time is the fact that I get to share it day by day with my family, and folks, that's a very special thing.

Dee has been nothing short of wonderful through this, she still has her treats, as she should but she considerately asks me if its ok to have say, a chocolate bar, with me in the van with her. lol... She's amazing, always checking the labels with me, eating the meals I need to make this work, walking with me, encouraging, complimenting, why, one would almost think she loves me or something..lol...

Gabe still has his moments of almost forcing food on me. I had a chat with him last night about why Daddy can't eat some of the stuff he is offering me, about how Daddy wants to loss weight so he can play better with him and his brother and ride bike with him next summer. I think he is understanding it, though I don't think he really cares about the belly...lol... it's his snuggle pillow after all. He's been great on the walks though, a real trooper!

We are about to leave the house and go for another walk, and it makes me feel very happy. The one unexpected side effect of this whole thing is the way it has brought our little family closer together and the great activities we are now doing as a group. Fantastic...

Switching gears... I am nervous about next Monday, I have to head to the Docs and get my BP taken again. If it remains high it's medication time for me. I am dreading that really. I have been reading a little about BP meds and the tendency they have to make you feel a little dragged out and such. Nervous... lol... gonna drive my BP up stressing about it... sigh...

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Just a quickie for now, Friday and Saturdays are always a little bit of the ol' madness in the Babstock household lol.

Just finished mowing the lawn and am now doing a little around the house,well, truth be told, Dee is doing a little around the house, I am actually just doing little around the house, its funny the difference one letter can make ain't it? lol

Ok, I cheated, no, not on the food, that's been going very very well thanks for asking, I cheated on the scale. I wasn't supposed to get on it till Monday, but the wee white shining finish and it's matte black foot areas just seduced me, I couldn't resist. Now, the reason I was wanting to hold off on stepping on that seductress is simple. The quickest way to get down about progress is constantly checking the scales. Weight loss is a slow process, if you are doing it right, and daily checks usually show small progress, thus, it could create a " My god I am going NOWHERE, now where's my pizza" type response. Glad to say, I didn't get that, what I DID get was a reading 0f 297, 4 lbs, 5 days... after two weeks of non-charted progress. 4 lbs in 5 days in the third week of what should be a slowing process... yup... I can surely live with that!

On another note, I am going to order me a pair of pants on e-bay today. Size 38, I want to get back to 34's, but 38 is my first milestone target. I want to be in those by X-mas. I will be in those by x-mas. Now that means losing 15 inches from my abdomen by then... a lofty number, but one I am confident I will reach, cause I am that damn good...lol... nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... just have a feeling I can is all, and a feeling is what I am embracing as fact...

Well, outta here, going shopping with the family, and a walk around the lake... YAY walks!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Wow, been a while since I have been able to sit down and just let my fingers do a dance here. Sorry for the couple of short posts, its been a crazy couple of days, starting with a catastrophic computer crash, leading into a catastrophic car meltdown and culminated in a new van and a new computer. lol...

But ,as I indicated yesterday, through it all I have not wavered. I haven't been moving my ass as much as I would have liked, but I haven't let my foods defenses down either, for me, that's a HUGE deal.

Weight is coming off folks, pants are a little looser, not alot, but a little... I can sorta see it in certain parts. It's not drastic, most people aren't even noticing, but it's there and that's a great feeling for me. It's exciting... and going to be a lot more exciting as we move forward.

I still haven't joined the gym :(

I'll tell you why, I am a little afraid to be in there lifting weights with my blood pressure too high. Call me silly, but it seems to me that putting stress and strain on a body who would jet blood 300 feet if I were pinpricked isn't the smartest idea. Next week I will go back to the docs and get the ol' bp taken and one of two things will happen. I have either dropped the BP on my own and it will continue, or it's still high and I go on meds for it. Either scenario sees me in the gym. I just HATE taking pills... HATE HATE HATE it. Not that I have issues with them in physical sense, it just really bugs me, call it a quirk...

New pics and weights and measurements to come on Monday...

Excited yet?


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Another quickie

Just another quick update today.

Work is still a pain in the ass, having problems transferring data from a curropted drive. It will be done, its just not going quickly.

Bought a mini-van today lol... yup... I've arrived.

Had a treat of sorts today, but within plan, had a oven roasted chicken breast sub from Subway, no cheese, no mayo... but BBQ sauce yes... it was gooooood.

Promise a longer post later...

Ta for now!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The morning after

Well, the morning after the pics and I am still alive. Very short update for now, been one of those days. Our car has reached the clearing at the end of the path and we are looking for a new set of wheels, then, when I got to the office our computer fried and I had to go buy, setup and swear at a new one. Still here now in fact, waiting for software updates to complete. Then I need to install a slave drive to access files from the fried computer... bah...

Through it all, eating clean, feeling good...

And thanks for the comments Shane and Shaun, it helps so much to have support!

Monday, September 8, 2008

There's eye openers, then there eye SHOCKERS!



So, we bought a new scale. I was in error, I was not 285 as I thought, but in actuality I must have been around 310-15 or so. I know I have lost weight in the past two weeks, I can tell, Dee can tell.... so I figure 310-15 is a good guess. I don't need to guess anymore though... nope... I am a svelte and trim 301 lbs.... hey, that's not bad, it's only heaver than a new born elephant, or a year old cow, or 3 Andy Dicks...

All joking aside... I'm not floored anymore, I am getting used to the shocks that keep assaulting me in regards to my weight, health and appearance. I am once again struck though by how damn easy it is to fool yourself into thinking you are something you obviously aren't, and trust me, it was VERY VERY easy.

So, 301 lbs ( important to get that 1 lb in there ), only 121 to go, thats 10 lbs a month, 2.5 lbs a week and exactly 365 from today I will be a totally different baby elephant, I mean, MAN... yeah...

I am joking because I know I can and will do this, it will have ups and downs, peaks and valleys, but in the end the changes will be made and the transformation will be dramatic, this I promise you. I can further promise that in 730 days from now I will look even better as my promise to myself to be in better shape at 40 than 20 will come to fruition.

Now, on to the very very ugly... the pics.... please folks.... not for the weak..

Pretty bad huh? I was kinda floored by these pics. Again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record here, I had NO idea that I was this bad. Again, I knew I was bad, but this bad... nahhhh... Well, yes, it IS this bad. It will NEVER EVER be this bad again.

Now that I have these done and posted, I am taking great comfort in knowing that the next ones will be better, and the ones after that, and the ones after that and so on and so on... Time to skin this pelt!

Monday Mass Day

Well, I just saw that a friend of mine was vrey very brave and posted starting pics of herself, it takes a lot of guts to post pics when you aren't in the least bit happy about them. It called bearing yourself to the world and it was a step I frankly was NOT prepared to make, I'm a coward yes I know...

BUT... cowardice be damned, I need to be accountable for the actions I took that made me lapse into this horrible costume I am currently wearing. I call it a costume because this isn't the real me. It might be the me that I was for 90% of my adult life, but that dosen't make it who I am.

So, tonight there will be pics... they won't be pretty, they may be shocking, they may induce mild tremors and other such afflications in the weak hearted amongst you... but they will be here and I will be accountable...

I have also decided that every Monday will be Mass day....

Whats this means is that Monday is the day I will weigh myself and put it out there for all to judge. I will also do updated pics every Monday and those too will be posted for all to judge. I can promise you this, they will never be as scary again as they will be when I start, unless of course I decide to wear a leopard skin thong... no... that won't happen...lol....

So check back later tonight for the big unviel.. it's gonna be... well... big...

Health Update

Well.. I had a return visit to my Doc this morning for a blood pressure check as well as review the results from the blood work I had completed a week or so ago. Bad news first, my blood pressure is still up. This is a cause for concern of course and I will admit I was more than a little disappointed to see that. I actually felt as if I might have made some progress on that front over the past two weeks and in fact when I took my BP myself at Wal-Mart a couple of days ago it had shown a significant drop. Doc informed me that BP is elevated in the morning and a crappy nights sleep might have contributed to it as well, however, if it remains high next visit in two weeks, then blood pressure meds will be likely administered.

Now, I can't say the high BP was a shock, given my weight in conjunction with my family history, it just sucks when you think positive movement is being made and you find out that in actuality, no movement has been made... on that front anyway.

On to the blood work.

I will now admit a HUGE fear of mine prior to getting the blood work results was cancer. No real sane reason for thinking anything might be wrong on that front, but the nugget of doubt was firmly placed in my mind, and like an oyster, it just grew and grew and grew.... happily, no such thing... My overall levels were perfect, iron, red blood cell count etc. etc. with one unsurprising blip. My cholesterol. Its not off the charts, not even in the HIGH risk bracket, but it is elevated. Now that being said. My blood work was taken prior to two weeks of good eating and exercise, so who knows. We have new blood work on the calendar for 3 months time. I am confident that the cholesterol will be in check at that time.

Hmm... there was supposed to be good news with the bad....lol...

Oh, I guess the fact that I am 100% on track, getting my gym membership this week, haven't felt any desire to cheat or lapse at this point is a good news item...lol...

Dee is going out today and picking up a bunch of cooking supplies. I am increasingly disgusted with the amount of sodium I am taking in, all while trying to avoid it. Sodium my friends, is everywhere and in everything, its just plain crazy. For example, I like plain water, but sometimes I like a flavoured water for a change of pace. This morning when I left the Doc's I dropped in the grocery store to pick up my lunch ( grapes, broccoli florets and a friggin Lean Cuisine sodium bomb) I bought a bottle of Aguafina Flavour Splash... guess wat? SODIUM... 170 mgs of the friggin' stuff. So, anyway, we are going to be doing a little cooking, packaging and freezing in order to get the closest to unprocessed as we can and hopefully that will help alleviate the sodium fiasco.

That's about it for now I guess, I hope you guys who are reading this like the new blog layout, I like my banner, everyday its there as a reminder of where I was, where I dropped, and what I screwed up and let slip. I will be changing out the last picture in the banner from time to time as I evolve, so it will be an interesting thing to keep your eyes on.

Hope you all have a good Monday!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


My son is a demon spawn.

He was eating Chocolate Chip Pop-Tarts. And he was insisting I have one.

"Come on Daddy," he said, " You know you want one.."

"No thanks Gabe, Dad isn't eating that stuff anymore.."

"But it's full of chocolate, it's goooo-oooooood."

"I bet it is Gabe but daddy had his breakfast."

"But you want it don't you, it's yummy!"

Demon... demon... DEMON... lol... I persevered though, whew....

I DO love Pop-Tarts though... heh

I've missed blogging, as you might be able to tell from the frequency of my posts. I enjoy it, it motivates me and keeps me honest. I also missed just talking, telling a story, weaving a tale and reviewing it way down the road to see how full of shit I was at any given point. Not looking for lies, when I say full of shit I mean how confident I was in one thing or another only to not see it come to fruition. It's why I am being cautious with my goals this time, and a little guarded about my progress. I will get back to where I was and better ( by better I mean better in the cardio department, I am going to be biking this time, mainly because I want to be able to share that with my boys ), but I am not going to obsess and nitpick each and every milestone along the way. I used to do that, and I was also a camera whore. I'll take pics, but I won't be doing it as often and to the frequency I was in the past.

But yeah, back to missing blogging. It's like putting on an old comfortable sweater and being surprised to find it still fits. I slip into blogging mode that easily and with the same amount of comfort. If anything, I have to really watch myself to make sure I take the sweater off from time to time so it dosn't start stinking up the joint or wearing thin you know. Yes yes, I do like me a good anaology from time to time lol. It's also nice to see I have some returning visitors each day, means that some of you are enjoying this enough to come back each day, and thats satisying to me, and rewarding. My hope is as we progress that some of you may feel comfortable enough to take part in the comments section, ask some questions, take me to task on any of the more isiotic things I might say...

Shifting gears...

Was watching X-weighted last night. I generally enjoy the show if for no other reason than to see the looks of joy on peoples faces at the end of the program. However, I am more and more becoming a little miffed with the draconian measures the show takes. It's almost as if they treat these folks not at adults who have made a positive lifestyle change, but as hardened criminals who have pleaded guilty to the crime of obesity and must now pay the price. It obviously works, for the most part, but sometimes the extremes seem, well, a little extreme to me. Hey, god knows that maybe that kind of constant vigilance might have kept the weight off of me, but I am a firm believer, and it worked to at least TAKE the weight off me, that you MUST allow yourself a treat occasionally, and that you MUST make a gradual adjustment to ease in, other wise, lapses can and will happen. Just my opinion...

Said something to Shane today that I think will become my motto...

"I must learn to not only be excited about the journey, but I MUST be every bit as excited about the destination"

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Odds and Ends

A couple of quick points before I go to bed.

My calories need to increase. Yes yes, i sound like a broken record, but its 100% true, they do need to get bumped. I also need to increase my protein intake. So, the solution to both problems? Returning to my nightly protein shake. I love those things and I am actually looking very forward to having them again. There was a time I would come home from work and be craving that smoothie, that time has come again. Yay for protein!!

Also, its become clear that I have to start taking a multi-vitamin. I knew that anyway but it was affirmed by what I have been seeing on my Fitday journal. I was looking at some tonight and I think I am just going to go with a typical Mans Multi. Once I start in the gym I will also be back to taking the creatine and glutamine and very likely glucosamine. My shoulder has really been bugging my lately, calcification of the joint was suspected but seems its just age and wear and tear. I have to be careful about that. I also expect to be in the gym sooner than I had originally speculated. I am really feeling that good about where I am now and where I feel I can be in a short time. Amazing...

I wanted to also say how much easier this has been with the support of my wife. When I last did this I had a lot of support from friends and family, but this time it feels different. To have someone to talk to this stuff about every day, to help remind me to make my entries and the encourage me... it makes it so much easier to stay focused and on target.

Well, I think thats about it for now. Thanks for dropping by!

Before pics.... kinda... lol

What a great day! Got up this morning after a wee sleep in, a real treat for us let me tell you. Started in on some dishes, had a little breakfast ( mini-wheats and skim milk ), and went out and mowed the lawn. Now, I know its not much of a mile stone, however, 3 weeks ago when I mowed the lawn I actually had to take a break a couple of times, it was long and the mower was bogging down... same this time, it's been mega raining here and today was actually the first time I got a chance to mow the lawn. Well, not a problem, mowed the whole thing AND racked it and didn't feel like I needed much of a break at all. Little steps people, little steps...

Anyhoo... the reason for this post, beyond the lawn mowing thing, was that Dee took a couple of pics of Gabe and I when we were raking. I look huge, well, the reason being, I AM huge, but I look happy, and I don't look worn out and for now I am ok with that. Thing is it will serve as a decent before pic for now. When you have the mass to lose I do clothed pics can show as much as semi-nekkid ones. I figure come X-mas I'll have enough mass gone to start in on the shirt off pics and start tracking the progress on a finer scale.

Wow, that was painless...lol... kinda

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Measurements addition

Just found some of my old blogs from 4 years ago. I thought, and I was right, that I had some measurements in there from what I am now calling my pinnacle, the period of time that I was at my best prior to the fulcrum swinging back to the condition I now find myself in... I don't want to beat myself up over this much more, but just for my own benifit here they are...

First, from March 2002...

Neck- 15.5 '
Chest- 46 '
Waist - 40 '
Left Upper Arm un-flexed - 12 '
Left forearm - 10
Thigh - 23' (both side)
Calf - 16' (both side)

Not bad... this was 7 months into my transformation. Sadly I don't have any measurements from the very start, this was 100 lbs later...

Now, from Feb 2004

Neck- 16 '
Chest- 44.5 '
Waist - 34.5 '
Left Upper Arm un-flexed - 13.5 '
Left Upper Arm flexed - 15.75 '
Right Upper Arm un-flexed - 13'
Left Upper Arm flexed - 15.25'
Left forearm - 11.5
Right forearm - 11.5
Thigh - 22' (both side)
Calf - 16.5 (both side)

I could seriously cry...

I'll be happy to get back to the first lot, be happier when I am closer to the second lot.

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Label reading and sodium

Well, after our walk this evening Dee and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. We ended up just cruising the aisles and reading the labels on a bunch of stuff. At first blush, sodium is EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING. In large amounts. In using my FitDay food calculator I was noticing a fair amount of sodium and was wondering where the heck all that crap was coming from, the sort answer is EVERYWHERE. Crazy...

We ended up in the cereal aisle. Now I am a HUGE fan of Vector Cereal. It's marketed as a healthy alternative, a meal replacement even, and supposed to have a ton of wholesome goodness in it... well, you know what else it has, a BUCKETLOAD of sodium! 365 mgs of the stuff to be exact, and thats before you add the milk, which by the way has, you guess it, sodium as well! What was even more surprising to me was when I compared the Vector to a kids cereal. You would expect the kids cereal to have not so much goodness and more calories via sugar. Surprise, not so... the kids cereal had half the calories in the same serving, only 25 mgs and the actual nutritional values were much the same. Crazy, and then, shreaded wheat... top dog by far, more fibre, no sodium and low calories. Needless to say the shreaded wheat was what came home with me!

Lesson to be learned? Read labels, understand that what you may believe about a food and whats in it may be very far removed from the truth.

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Friday, September 5, 2008

The holy shit aftermath...


After brewing over it and really feeling kinda freaked out, depressed, pissed off and a gambit of other emotions, the wife, the kids and I loaded up and went for a 3.8 klick walk around Quidi Vidi.

Thing is, it's a number, a horrible one, but it'll never be that high again... all it will do is look even better once I take this crap off...

Anyhoo... just a shortie to say that I am not letting that hinder or depress me in the least... time to move on and take it all off..

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A holy shit moment...

There's not really much to say... I was riding such a high and now I just want to crawl away and sob...

Starting taking my measurements, was going to do the whole gambit... from neck down to calves and all points in between but I just stopped when I had a few... no point in taking smaller measurements when the bigger ones paint an obvious story... once I lose some inches in the core I'll take them elsewhere...

For now, here's the awful awful truth...

Neck - 17
Chest - 55
Abdomen - 53
Hips - 51

Pictures will be coming at a later date, I've taken as much visual truth as I can for a couple of days.

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Little more on calories

Well, as I mentioned I need to increase those calories a tad. I have a plan, and its simple..lol.. eat more. Seriously, I need to take one more meal. The plan now is to have 5-6 smaller meals every 3 hours. Gotta keep the metabolism firing and the body burning. Fat burning is all about heat, and heat in the body is generated by a raging metabolism. My metabolism has been low, comes from infrequent meals and a sedentary lifestyle. That will change but it won't change overnight.

The thing is, and alot of people trying to lose weight for the first time can't accept, is that to lose you must eat. Eating is natural, we are designed to eat and process. Humans are also designed with a failsafe. If the body feels it is starving, it stores food, it holds onto those fat reserves for dear life. From an evolutionary standpoint this makes perfect sense. Our earlier steps on the evolutionary ladder may have had no idea when or where the next meal was coming from, it was a feast or famine mentality and its one that has lasted to our modern times. Thing is, for those of us lucky enough to be in the western world the idea of NOT having access to food at all times is unheard of.

Well, I went a bit off there...lol... I tend to do that and the more you read my blog the more you will see that happen.

Off for an afternoon with my lovely wife now until son number one is done school!

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Quickie post on calorie intake

Well, one thing I have learned over the past couple of days is that I really need to increase my caloric intake. Ideally I would like to be up around 2000 calories daily right now, until I start in the gym in any event, at which time I should boost that by 500 or so, protein calories mostly, easily accomplished with a shake!

It's amazing to me how little calories can be eaten in a day and still feel satisfied. So far, just 10 days in, I have zero desire to cheat or anything. My business partner actually left a bag of cookies at the office , the bastard, lol, and I had zero cravings for them despite them being RIGHT there large as life... this is a HUGE step for me.

On last thing, it looks like I will have my pics and measurements up this weekend as well... still not looking forward to the pics... blah...

And finally, I am going to leave you with a pic of my main man Gabe. He started in kindergarten today and I really couldn't be prouder of him... HE is my inspiration, along with his brother and my sweetie...

Later folks!

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh gross

Ye gads.... I knew I was bad, but man, this is just crazy!!! For shits and grins I decided to log what would be a typical Tuesday for me. Here in Canada Tuesday is known as Twoonie Tuesdays at KFC. I would get two of these, which amounted to 2 legs, 2 wings and 2 servings of fries. I would eat one for lunch and another a little later. Typically in the morning prior to heading into the office I would either finish Gabes Sandwich or have one of my own. On the way into work we would grab coffees at Timmies and more often than not a box of timbits. That night when I got home we would have a late supper, and during the summer a BBQ wouldn't be out of the question. Typically again we would BBQ a pack of wieners first, then steaks. We would have say baked spuds with ranch dressing and a heaping pile of mushrooms, onions and peppers sauteed. Then later than night it wouldn't be a stretch to have a big bag of Doritos with a onion dip. Ice cream is not unheard of as well...

HOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY shit, its just sickening when you lay it all out there like that... sick sick sick... NO MORE... this Fitday program is going to make me SO responsible for what goes into my body... wow... I am floored. Floored that I could eat that in a day and NOT think it would affect me, floored that I had gotten to a state of denial so thorough and complete that it would allow me to function like that... wow... kick in the ass??? Oh hell yeah.... this will NEVER happen again, it can't, I'll die... literally, I will die, intakes like that will kill me as sure as a bullet to the brain will kill me...

Folks, if you eat fastfood, if you eat crap... do yourself a favor and enter a fitday journal for ONE day and see what it gets you... it could be the best thing you have EVER done...

Now I am going to go and shake my head a little more... and bear this shame...

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Fitday Journal

Well, just started up my fitday journal. I really liked this tool when I last lost weight and I plan on using it to make it a success this time around as well...

You can view my summary anytime by following this link.

It's also over there on the right in my link section.

Man, I need to actually UP my caloric intake right now... thats actually a surprise as I am not at all hungry...

I'll be filling in more details there as well as I proceed...

Try it out, it works like a charm!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Still waiting on those before pics. I am hoping to get a chance to get them done this evening, if not, for sure by the weekend. I do have a rather GROSS picture to share though. This was taken the weekend of our wedding. At a beach in the town next door. Not pretty at all. You know at the time I didn't think I was that big. It was when I started seeing the wedding pictures that I really realized that something was terribly wrong with me. Still though, that wasn't enough to kick me in the ass and snap out of it.

Luckily though, in looking at other pictures taken more recently, for example when Damian came home, I don't THINK I look near as bloated and just soft as I did there. I have to admit, the winter and spring leading up to our wedding was something of a mess for me. My mother passed away in Jan, we actually debated getting married at all that summer as planned, we then decided to have a scaled back version and finally decided to go all out and do what we would have done had Mom not passed. I am not for one moment blaming the way I looked on Mom's passing, that would be a cop-out. I am however not so naive as to think I wasn't doing and EXTREME amount of comfort and stress related eating, once again, falling back on my addiction with full force.

I do feel bad for Dee though, she fell in love with a guy who was in pretty decent shape, active and full of energy, she ended up marrying a bloated version who was in poor shape and lethargic. I apologized to her for letting it get to that point. I really didn't mean for it to happen, I really didn't realize how bad it was... she is an amazing woman to love me equally throughout...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Fighting the addiction

I wanted to talk about food addiction for a moment if I could, and hey, since this is my blog I guess I can!

I am addicted to food. As surely as a person can be addicted to anything I am addicted to food. I know, I am speaking from experience as a person addicted to nicotine. The reaction is exactly the same. Now many people who poo poo about the notion of food addiction, well, bully for you, it must be nice to have that luxury. I appreciate your point of view, I note it, and I know you are entitled to it. I don't share the same views, we'll leave it at that and move on shall we?

The difference, and it's a huge one, is how addictions are treated. The ultimate goal for addictions is total abstinence from the substance, behavior or otherwise to which you are addicted. It can't be that way with food. You HAVE to eat, you have to be exposed to your addiction on a daily basis, you have to be around it, watch other people consume it, watch endless commercials about it... it's everywhere because it MUST be.

Can you imagine the success rate of a alcoholic who was told that you must consume 6 beers a day? Or a smoker who could never have any less than 6 smokes a day? Or a herion addict who must shoot up everyday? Just to live? Just to exist?

Thats the dilemma that a food addict faces...

You have to adjust, wean back, substitute the bad for good, but the chemical reward, the rush of eating, the joy of chewing, the feeling of something sliding into your belly, all the old markers that released all those happy and content feelings, they are there ALL the time. And like any addiction, you get a taste, you get that rush and you want more and more.

It's a real struggle, it's hard to do, it's the hardest thing in the world to reconcile. Also, like any addiction, the possibility of lapse is very real, only more so because of the things I discussed above.

I will do it, because I have to in order to live, I just want people to know that it's not easy, it's a war....


Well.. my buddy Shane, you can see his blog by clicking on the link over yonder, has posted his before pics and stats. Damn him, damn him all to hell....

That means I'm going to have to do it as well, and folks, it ain't gonna be pretty.

For a guy who 4 years ago was like Bill Shatner and got nekkid from the waist up as much as possible you would think this would be easy. Truth is its not. Heck, I'm not even 100% comfortable with my wife seeing me nekkid from the waist up ( waist down isn't an issue lol ). I have to do this though, to motivate and to show my progress. So I will.. can't be any harder than any other aspect of what I am doing.

So, to weigh myself I need to get a set of scales. I have a set... but they are in the mythical land known as THE SHED. In order to get them from there I need to answer three riddles from the ogre under the bridge, slay the evil dragon of D'lathor and journey through the wastelands of Storage... scary. Might be easier to buy new ones lol...

The Facebook group I mentioned is doing pretty good, loads of members, just have to get the conversations going there.

Anyway, point is, there will be pictures and measurements coming very soon... sigh

Monday, September 1, 2008

Well under way...

I feel great... really... it might be a little early to be doing cartwheels or mothballing my current wardrobe but I feel GREAT!!

I was thinking about timing and how interesting it is. The last time I began a weight loss journey it was due to a scare on my birthday, this time, it began with a scare on my birthday. I think someone is trying to tell me something lol...

I don't really have much to say right now, just waiting to get the kiddos to bed and heading out for my nightly walk. I will likely be back a little later with some more. I just wanted to make a statement about how damn good I feel, both with how I am progressing and the relief that I have that the journey is finally finally back underway!!

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