Monday, September 8, 2008

There's eye openers, then there eye SHOCKERS!



So, we bought a new scale. I was in error, I was not 285 as I thought, but in actuality I must have been around 310-15 or so. I know I have lost weight in the past two weeks, I can tell, Dee can tell.... so I figure 310-15 is a good guess. I don't need to guess anymore though... nope... I am a svelte and trim 301 lbs.... hey, that's not bad, it's only heaver than a new born elephant, or a year old cow, or 3 Andy Dicks...

All joking aside... I'm not floored anymore, I am getting used to the shocks that keep assaulting me in regards to my weight, health and appearance. I am once again struck though by how damn easy it is to fool yourself into thinking you are something you obviously aren't, and trust me, it was VERY VERY easy.

So, 301 lbs ( important to get that 1 lb in there ), only 121 to go, thats 10 lbs a month, 2.5 lbs a week and exactly 365 from today I will be a totally different baby elephant, I mean, MAN... yeah...

I am joking because I know I can and will do this, it will have ups and downs, peaks and valleys, but in the end the changes will be made and the transformation will be dramatic, this I promise you. I can further promise that in 730 days from now I will look even better as my promise to myself to be in better shape at 40 than 20 will come to fruition.

Now, on to the very very ugly... the pics.... please folks.... not for the weak..

Pretty bad huh? I was kinda floored by these pics. Again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record here, I had NO idea that I was this bad. Again, I knew I was bad, but this bad... nahhhh... Well, yes, it IS this bad. It will NEVER EVER be this bad again.

Now that I have these done and posted, I am taking great comfort in knowing that the next ones will be better, and the ones after that, and the ones after that and so on and so on... Time to skin this pelt!


Shane Leighton Photography said...

well as I said a couple days ago when you posted your measurements.....

now we know where we lets get to where we wanna be!


Shrinkman said...

you said said it buddy, you said it...

PartTimeMom said...

Can I tell you that the fact that your plan is to be at goal in 365 days makes me very very happy. Cause that's almost exactly my goal! In fact, my goal date is 09/10/09 :) (should just make it 090909 easier to remember - lol!)

It's nice to know there's people out there who I can count on to be on this journey with me for the next year. and OH what a year it's going to be - we're going to rock :)

PartTimeMom said...

By the way... 10-20 lbs from now you'll be glad you took these photos. cause you'll be so chuffed to look at your new ones and say - yeah! look what I did! :)


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