Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday Mass Day

Well, I just saw that a friend of mine was vrey very brave and posted starting pics of herself, it takes a lot of guts to post pics when you aren't in the least bit happy about them. It called bearing yourself to the world and it was a step I frankly was NOT prepared to make, I'm a coward yes I know...

BUT... cowardice be damned, I need to be accountable for the actions I took that made me lapse into this horrible costume I am currently wearing. I call it a costume because this isn't the real me. It might be the me that I was for 90% of my adult life, but that dosen't make it who I am.

So, tonight there will be pics... they won't be pretty, they may be shocking, they may induce mild tremors and other such afflications in the weak hearted amongst you... but they will be here and I will be accountable...

I have also decided that every Monday will be Mass day....

Whats this means is that Monday is the day I will weigh myself and put it out there for all to judge. I will also do updated pics every Monday and those too will be posted for all to judge. I can promise you this, they will never be as scary again as they will be when I start, unless of course I decide to wear a leopard skin thong... no... that won't

So check back later tonight for the big unviel.. it's gonna be... well... big...


PartTimeMom said...

Hey - you can't scare me! But then you probably figured that.

Looking forward to your pics just because I know the dedication it will inspire in you. I know taking a mulligan in the fitness department is not fun. But think of all the mistakes the first time around that you won't have to make again :) You'll be buff again in no time!

Is it selfish for me to say that I'm almost glad that you're here with me... Yeah, ok so it's selfish but just so you know - your backslide wasn't all in vain.

Shrinkman said...

Heh, for a moment there I thought you said my BACKSIDE wasn't all in

PartTimeMom said...

well I'm sure that isn't in vain either :) lol


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