Thursday, September 11, 2008


Wow, been a while since I have been able to sit down and just let my fingers do a dance here. Sorry for the couple of short posts, its been a crazy couple of days, starting with a catastrophic computer crash, leading into a catastrophic car meltdown and culminated in a new van and a new computer. lol...

But ,as I indicated yesterday, through it all I have not wavered. I haven't been moving my ass as much as I would have liked, but I haven't let my foods defenses down either, for me, that's a HUGE deal.

Weight is coming off folks, pants are a little looser, not alot, but a little... I can sorta see it in certain parts. It's not drastic, most people aren't even noticing, but it's there and that's a great feeling for me. It's exciting... and going to be a lot more exciting as we move forward.

I still haven't joined the gym :(

I'll tell you why, I am a little afraid to be in there lifting weights with my blood pressure too high. Call me silly, but it seems to me that putting stress and strain on a body who would jet blood 300 feet if I were pinpricked isn't the smartest idea. Next week I will go back to the docs and get the ol' bp taken and one of two things will happen. I have either dropped the BP on my own and it will continue, or it's still high and I go on meds for it. Either scenario sees me in the gym. I just HATE taking pills... HATE HATE HATE it. Not that I have issues with them in physical sense, it just really bugs me, call it a quirk...

New pics and weights and measurements to come on Monday...

Excited yet?


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