Friday, September 5, 2008

A holy shit moment...

There's not really much to say... I was riding such a high and now I just want to crawl away and sob...

Starting taking my measurements, was going to do the whole gambit... from neck down to calves and all points in between but I just stopped when I had a few... no point in taking smaller measurements when the bigger ones paint an obvious story... once I lose some inches in the core I'll take them elsewhere...

For now, here's the awful awful truth...

Neck - 17
Chest - 55
Abdomen - 53
Hips - 51

Pictures will be coming at a later date, I've taken as much visual truth as I can for a couple of days.

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PartTimeMom said...

of course I remember you!!!!

seems we're all in the same boat again.

It's nice to know I've got some good company - I've had a worse then 'holy shit' moment ... I've had a 'holy shit' year so far. And just when I think it can't get worse - it does.

Let's stay in touch and as you say 'work on everything we want' I like that. You were always so inspirational - I'm glad to have you back in the game.

Shane Leighton Photography said...

You know where you get where you want to be!


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